Coley Lane

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Hi, I'm Coley.
Pinterest strategist, blogging enthusiast, endless idea generator and corgi lover.

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Are your blog titles working hard enough for your business?

As a business owner, whether you’re a photographer, designer, or service-based entrepreneur, your blog titles need to do more than describe your content—they need to capture attention, spark curiosity, and make your audience want to click immediately. Why? Because magnetic blog titles can be the difference between a potential client visiting your site or scrolling past your content.

As an online magazine founder, I’ve overseen nearly 1,000 articles and have witnessed firsthand how powerful titles can increase traffic and conversions.

Today, I’ll share my top tips on how to transform your blog titles from basic to magnetic, ensuring they hook your audience in and encourage engagement.

Why you should update and upgrade your blog titles

Let’s be real—there’s a ton of content out there. The internet is basically overflowing with articles, tips, and how-to guides, and it’s way too easy for your blog post to get buried. That’s where focusing on audience, timeliness, and relevancy becomes your secret weapon.

Think of it like this: when your title speaks right to your ideal client’s current struggles, serves up timely solutions, and feels totally on-point with what they care about right now, it’s like giving your post a glow-up. Instead of blending in, you’ll stand out like a shiny new object they just have to click on.

Plus, showing that you get them builds all the trust and good vibes—making your blog a go-to resource.

Let’s dive into 7 ways you can make better blog titles today

1. Know Your Audience

The most magnetic blog titles are specific to the readers you want to attract. Consider your ideal client and what they are searching for online. Think about their unique challenges, desires, and goals.

Instead of “How to Improve Your Photography Skills,” try “5 Essential Photography Tips for Busy Wedding Photographers.”

The latter speaks directly to a specific audience (wedding photographers) and a common challenge they face (time management).

2. Add Timeliness

When can your readers expect results? Can you provide quick solutions or guide them through a fast process? Adding a time-based element to your blog title can increase urgency and relevance.

Instead of “How to Design Your Next Logo,” try “How to Design a Stunning Logo in Just 1 Hour.”

By giving a clear timeline, you make the post feel more actionable and doable, which is perfect for busy creative entrepreneurs who need results fast.

3. Make It Relevant to Their Current Needs

Why should your audience care about this blog post right now? This is where relevance comes into play. Show them why this information is timely, important, or essential for them in their current situation.

Instead of “How to Create a Client Welcome Guide,” try “The Ultimate Client Welcome Guide Template for 2024: Boost Client Experience and Save Time.”

By adding the year, you position the content as current and relevant, making it more attractive to readers looking for the latest strategies.

4. Use Specificity to Create Curiosity

The more specific your title, the more curious your audience becomes. By adding a specific audience, a timeline, or a quantifiable result, you make your titles more clickable.

Instead of “Tips for Better Branding,” try “7 Branding Tips Every Creative Entrepreneur Needs for a Stand-Out Portfolio.”

Here, we’re being specific about the number of tips and the audience, which naturally draws more interest.

5. Incorporate Trends and Popular Platforms

Leverage trending platforms or tools your audience is likely familiar with to make your blog title instantly relatable. For instance, mentioning TikTok, Pinterest, or Canva might attract your target market of creative entrepreneurs.

Instead of “How to Plan Your Instagram Content,” try “10 Pinterest Strategies for Service-Based Entrepreneurs to Get More Clients.”

This title not only focuses on a trend but also emphasizes a pain point (getting clients).

6. Solve a Problem Your Audience Is Facing

Magnetic headlines solve real problems your readers are actively trying to solve. Think about their pain points—whether it’s streamlining their business, getting more clients, or creating eye-catching designs—and provide solutions in your title.

Instead of “How to Manage a Business Blog,” try “How to Consistently Blog While Running a Creative Business (Even if You’re Short on Time).”

This title resonates because it speaks to the challenges of your audience—time constraints—and offers a solution.

7. Create a Sense of Urgency or Exclusivity

If your title gives readers a reason to feel they can’t miss out, it becomes even more compelling. Phrases like “in less than 30 days,” “before the year ends,” or “secrets only experts know” can make your content feel exclusive and time-sensitive.

Instead of “How to Market Your Photography Services,” try “Everything You Need to Market Your Photography Business in Less Than a Month.”

Let’s Recap!

Magnetic blog titles combine a clear understanding of your audience, a timely and relevant hook, and a focus on solving a specific problem. As creative business owners, your time is precious, and your blog titles should work harder to attract potential clients and bring visibility to your brand.


  • Speak directly to your target audience.
  • Add a timeline to create urgency.
  • Highlight relevancy to current trends and challenges.

Now that you’ve got the formula for creating irresistible blog titles, it’s time to go back and revamp your old posts—or start crafting new ones that will keep your audience clicking, reading, and coming back for more.

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Pinterest strategist, blogging enthusiast, endless idea generator, and corgi lover.

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